Sunday, December 27, 2009


Open my garage and you will smell the winds of change. Well, actually the smell is musty old cardboard boxes dug out of multiple dumpsters around the city, but to me it is the smell of something new and exciting. It is the smell of dead winter plants returning to life under the spring Sun. It is the smell of hot dirt in a new garden. It is the smell of my toddlers sweet sweaty hair after playing in her new giant backyard. I am fired up about this change of address. Almost everything is done - mail forwarded, utilities transferred, and belongings (almost) all packed. This ship sails on Tuesday.

Our Christmas was different but fun this year. We experienced our families annual get together via my brother's web cam on his laptop strategically positioned in the corner of a room. Thus allowing us visual and audible access to all the present ripping and pie eating. Why didn't we make the short five hour journey to be with family during Christmas, you ask? Toddler + 3 week old + wife still recovering from a c-section and unable to lift said toddler + 5 hours in a car x (Toddler + screaming baby + 5 hours in a car) x
poopy diapers n. It was nice to be a part even if it was through a small impersonal window.

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