Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

If a red "sky in morning" means "sailors take warning," then what does waking up with a migraine headache mean? This is the first one I have had in almost two years. I used to get them quite frequently in college, then less frequent in grad school, then maybe once per year or two after that. When I went to the doctor about it early on, he said these types of headaches are caused by vasoconstriction in the brain thus potentially effecting vision and causing acute pain. He said the tricky part is figuring out your trigger: too much caffeine, too little caffeine, stress, certain foods or dyes, etc. I used to think caffeine, but now I know it is stress. Last night, for some reason I decided to lay in the bed with the weight of all my worries lying on top of me. I rarely dwell on the negative, but my mind was swimming in it last night. Dwelling on worries=stress=vasoconstriction=migraine=fat headache=crap start to my day.
On a less headachy note, Thanksgiving was deliciously worthy of thanks. I (with only a little assistance) successfully prepared my first Thanksgiving feast including: herb roasted turkey, fresh yeast rolls, corn on the cob, green beans, dressing (this is where the help came in), sweet potatoes, fresh cranberry sauce (which was forgotten in the fridge), and 2 pumpkin pies. The one day a year it is acceptable and encouraged to overeat. Today, as soon as my head feels a little better, I need to get my workout on - extra long, extra effort. My Christmas wish is to not indulge a bulge, but instead workout with extra vigor and eat in a manner that allows me to feel refreshed after a meal as opposed to sinking. Healthy Holidays everybody!

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