Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Good Day at Work

First things first: Baby News...still waiting...

Now, gather up all your friends and family, get as close as you can to the screen and prepare yourself for the greatest announcement in years. Are you ready? You sure? This is big time stuff...seriously gather everybody around. I'll wait................ok, here it is:

That is correct my friends there will be no more daily donning of the uniform, no more 30 pounds of gadgetry upon my torso for 8 hours x 5 days a week, no more cramming all that into a tiny car surrounded by electronics only to turn around and unpack it all every 20 minutes or so, no more chasing dumb fools who I don't really care to catch, no more screaming violent couple counselling, no more ill disciplined teens with frontal lobe malfunctions, no more 5 car hit and run DWI major accidents on the freeway during rush hour surrounded by thousands of road raged motorist who want nothing more than for me to fall off the edge of the earth so they can speed past on the shoulder to get home to their wife and kids, and no more just having to go to work when my girls need a fun-filled afternoon of Dad Time. It's gonna be great! After all a bad day at home is better than a good day at work!

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