Monday, October 19, 2009

Feast or Famine

Our social life is a cycle of feast and famine lately. When we lived in La Porte it was non-stop feast - all day, every day. Those were fun times, but for a couple of introverts from the boonies it was somewhat exhausting. Then we moved away (again) from everyone. No friends, no family, no unexpected visits, no late night discussions over Starbucks and no Sunday lunches at El Ranchero. For the first time in a few years we had quiet. The super express train had stopped, dropped us off in a dust cloud, and then speed off with everyone we knew still on board. It was calm. It was lonely. It was nice. Then came the human embodiment of noise and chaos (a.k.a. Isabel). All of a sudden the train began to make regular stops at our depot again. At first, it was the return of social feast we had known in La Porte with a constant flow of people and a ton of goo-goo, baaa-baa, looooook at the preeeeeety baaaaaaaaabyyyyy, smoochy, smoochy, smoochy (and that was just me). A year and a half later and things have tapered off. Most our time is famine but it is punctuated with random weekending floods of people. It is hilarious to us how things are so quiet then all of a sudden 4 different groups of people call wanting to visit on the same weekend. All that being said, this introvert loves the times of quiet, calm, productive famine, but feast is better. We miss you friends.
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