Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Instructional Video by Cupcake (Viewers Must be Younger than 2 to Really Appreciate)

Today we have been making fun videos for Isabel starring her favorite toys, puppets and stuffed friends. She thinks they are the funniest things ever made. Her laughs are worth the effort (actually there is not much effort or skill, for that matter, involved). Other than that, today is just an easy day of rest and relaxation. My muscles are loudly voicing their displeasure concerning the previous two days of hard workouts, but fortunately I know the remedy for sore muscles....chocolate chip cookies! Yes, as I type, the cookies are cooling on the kitchen counter awaiting their devouring time. I think that is just what I need for a full recovery - hot cookies and a tall glass of cold milk. But fear not for my getting-back-in-shape plan, tomorrow morning will bring more running...maybe even enough to compensate for the cookies.


  1. You have officially become a dad or a nut case, you choose! D

  2. "One more time wid Izzy's doll?" has turned into a dozen times for Zoe. She wants to know if Uncle Thomas will come make videos of her dolls. Actually, I now have to follow suit. Zoe wants her dolls to talk on the computer too. Who can resist the "Please...please...pleeeeeeeease!"
