Sunday, January 24, 2010

Guy in a Tie on a Bicycle Ride

Day 2 of the Guy in a Tie experiment was less than extraordinary. I inadvertently dipped my tie in a bowl of cream of wheat during breakfast, and later went for a bike ride to the park with Izzy who sat in the toddler seat behind me as I peddled away tie flapping in the wind. There were a few puzzled looks on the faces of drivers passing by and an extra smiley elderly lady walking her dog at the park, but not much else. I did get a few googly eyes from my old lady throughout the morning, so I guess that's a good enough reason to continue.

I took my annual physical training test at work and it turns out I'm not as fat, slow and pathetic as I thought I was getting. I scored in the top 11 percent of people to ever take that series of test, despite the fact I bench pressed 15 pounds less, leg pressed 80 pounds less, and have a greater body fat percentage than last year. You got to love moving into the older age bracket baby!

Note: I'm still faster than all the younger punks.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, I still think you are pathetic. Just kidding!
