Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I discovered new layers of ridiculousness in this hideous dog house left by owners long past. It has walls thicker than most homes, insulated flooring, a built in heater/fan, and weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of a metric ton. Somebody really loved there dog. I'm talking home baked casseroles and doggy oncologist kind of love. They are freaking dogs. There is a reason they have fur. I'm pretty sure they didn't evolve over the last few tens of thousands of years with the absolute need for doggy sweaters and well ventilated backyard studio apartments. I thinks we've all gone crazy with technology. We are devolving into a bunch of sissies. We sleep with blankets in the summer cause the AC is blasting. We turn up the heat in winter because we don't want to be encumbered by a jacket indoors. Ridiculous. Much more so than our society's overly catered pets, we are highly evolved animals capable of biologically adapting to a huge range of external conditions. I wish I would look at more of life with a historical and evolutionary perspective. I want to enjoy technology without depending on it. If the lights go out I want to say "Oh well." not "Oh crap!" My goal is to simplify. I do not want my life's richness and pleasure to be based on the nation's economic health or Apple's latest and greatest iWhatever. It's why I am a guy that is learning how to sew. It's why I like to read magazines that teach me how to bake bread and make homemade furniture. It's why I garden and chop wood and use a reel mower. I want to make each day one step closer to a simpler happier life.

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