Monday, August 8, 2011

Close Encounters with Friendship

My buddy and I were talking at work the other day about the strong possibility of both he and I relocating to a department in a new city. His purpose involving closer proximity to his children - mine involving my obviously constant need for change and inability to settle down along with the need to get my family away from this hell-hole of a city with some of the worst schools in the state (aka gang breeding grounds). In our discussion, we were both sharing our longing for quality guy friendships - a group of friends that live life together - playing fantasy football, eating dinner with each other's families, enjoying holidays, watching ball games, drinking beer, talking tons of trash, raiding each other's refrigerators, engaging in deep conversations, going to the movies and just hanging out together. You women reading this are thinking, So, just do it. But, with guys it is just not that easy. Sure, when we were young, the relationships came easy as we were packed into the same classes and suffered together through two-a-day football practices, but somewhere during adulthood we develop a kind of built in force field preventing close encounters with friendship, and for some reason my force field is a lot thicker than most. What is the matter with us guys?

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