Monday, February 27, 2012


When I started college, the Internet was just becoming a big thing. My university had just recently embraced it as a tool for disseminating information.  Over the years, my friends have had plenty of hearty laughs and gleefully reminded me of my predictions back then concerning the World Wide Web.  In my computer-illiterate ignorance, I said, "The internet?! Nobody is ever going to use the stupid internet!"  Needless to say, never take any investment advice from me.

Despite my early reservations regarding the use of the web, and even computers for that matter, I soon became pretty good with the whole thing.  I used to think I picked up the skills pretty quickly considering my backwoods public school lack of instruction, but then I had a three year old girl.  She will turn on the laptop, open the internet browser, click on her favorite link (, and proceed to help her little brother learn letters, sounds, numbers, and colors.  Her computer use, while impressive, was somewhat overlooked until yesterday.  I sat down in front of the laptop screen following the little techy only to discover FIFTEEN songs downloading from the iTunes store!  She had somehow logged onto iTunes and started working the mess out of the "buy" button.  I suppose we lucked out with a load of Chris Tomlin songs rather than Nicki Minaj or Justin Bieber.

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