Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Matrix

I believe living in the city is like living in the Matrix.  Even if at some point you were aware the Matrix existed, as the years pass you slowly forget there is a better world out there. The family and I are currently unplugged from the Matrix enjoying a week in the country.  Yesterday, the toddler, the preschooler and I went walking across the pasture and during our journey back to the farm house black clouds invaded the sky above us.  Strong winds began to blow and tiny sprinkles touched the tops of our heads.  We all stood silently for a couple of minutes listening to the sounds of coming rain, and honestly, I felt more real and at peace in that moment than I have in over a year.  The city provides a lot of fun and excitement, but the one thing the "Matrix" cannot simulate is the perfect silence and speech of nature.  I could tell my kids were more in tune and enthralled with those 2 minutes of standing still and silent than with anything the toy section at Target or cartoons on TV can offer.  All three of us had a wonderful reminder of life outside the walls of the city.  I continue to long for the day I am free of its prison, but for now I will soak up this temporary parole, and prepare my stomach for shovel loads of Thanksgiving grub.

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