Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Only Raining Outside

It is pouring! The rain has been relentless the past 2 days. For some, rain is calming, but in my line of work rain brings chaos. Yesterday at work on evening shift, in my district alone, there were 2 shootings, 8-10 major accidents (and about 4 were super major), an armed bank robbery, 2 suicide attempts, a couple of big gang fights, an innumerable number of minor accidents and assist motorist calls, and all of these were on top of the plethora of normal calls for service.It was a miserable night to be a cop.

I worked on the front desk!

Best luck ever! And it got even better. While half asleep at the desk, I decided to venture over to the vending machine to get a small candy bar to alleviate my hunger pangs due to the fact I had forgotten to eat lunch before leaving home. I inserted my dollar and just as I was about to select B-2 (Snickers) my eyes beheld something glorious down on F-8... a package of chocolate Zingers had hung up and was daintily dangling from the spiralled dispenser. Maybe, just maybe, I thought, I can score a two-fer!

F...8... Package one dropped, then....package two hung on the dispenser for an agonizing second and BOOOM! Two for the price of one!

No, I did not eat both. I gave one pack to my partner who came up to the desk to dry out and finish an accident report. While he was there a community watch group came in for a meeting and brought us chocolate chip cookies and PUNCH! And it was my Friday!

All these things and more I gleefully shared with my partners who were slogging through the pouring rain. I was the happiest hated man in the city.

1 comment:

  1. Well what should I say? Here I am awake browsing your blog for the first time, and find you discussing Zingers. I guess all I can say is wow and at least it wasn't Shipley's.
