Thursday, April 14, 2011

Embracing Spring

As it turns out there will not be a baby number 3...yet. It was a miscarriage. Neither one of us are really distraught, which is the opposite of how I feel like I should be feeling. I always thought experiencing a miscarriage would be far more of a devastating blow, and I suppose it would have been if this had been our first baby. But, we have two healthy toddlers, perfect weather, a working sprinkler, a growing garden and the hope of a bigger family still to come.

This "weekend" (Wed/Thu for us) has been quite close to perfect. Yesterday, we spent the first half of the day enjoying some good yard work. I know most of you are like "good?" But, honestly, you have to admit there is nothing like working hard through the sweat and then looking out at the fruits of your completed labor. Who doesn't like a fresh cut lawn on a sunny day? Nocona spent all morning and most of the afternoon cooking an elaborate meal for us and a friend who just had a new baby. The world was as it should be, man laboring in the sun and woman slaving over a hot stove. Easy women's rights liberal activist, I'm just joking...kind of.

In the evening, we packed up hotdogs and birthday cake and headed off to the park for Fruitcake and Pancake's first birthday. Fruitcake and Pancake are the little twin sister's of Cupcake. Hey, any reason to eat cake and have fun with friends at the park is a good reason. We ate our grilled our hotdogs, sang happy birthday, chowed down on cake, flew kites (actually, just watched our friend Daniel fly kites...he's got skills), rode the tricycle, picked flowers and had an exceptional spring evening. Thanks Randa and Daniel for enjoying birthday parties for dolls.

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